It has been a blessedly full year! Our son is now 1 year old and babbling, crawling, climbing, and walking all over the place. This blog has been a casualty to that new paternal vocation, but we’re finally getting settled back into some family rhythms and I’m happy to be back to some writing.

You may also notice that my blog is suddenly much uglier. I’ve made a transition from wordpress to drupal, which is something like moving from a honda civic to a porsche. There are an abundance of new features that I’ll be rolling out on this blog over the course of time, but there is a steeper learning and maintenance curve that I’m working hard to master. So, for now, apologies for the ugly layout. I’ll be working to clean this template up into something sharper in the near future.

Thanks friends and readers for your patience this past year as I’ve been slow to write both here and via email. I’m looking forward to getting back into correspondence with you!