This page will serve as a running bibliography of the books mentioned on this blog. I’ll try and categorize them in a way that makes this easy to browse, and I’ll also make sure to link in related blog posts. I’m also going to list some of my alltime favorite reads, since those texts are an undercurrent beneath most of my reflection here.
On the Domesticated Christian Life (book with universal relevance to this blog!)

Hospitality and the Christian Tradition

Theology and The Domestic Space (the Home)

Christian “Ministry” as Craftsmanship

Domesticated Work (Craftsmanship)

Domesticated Transportation (On Walking)

  • Charles Baudelaire

On integrating Christian scripture and ethical reflection

Please note: upon some reflection about the most ethical way to communicate publicly through blogging [see also: link], I’ve decided to divest myself from commercially-based social media. You’ll find the links above go to (rather than which you can use to find copies of these books at libraries, or follow links to purchase a book from any number of booksellers. Enjoy!

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