Whole family is grieving destruction to @GuineaGardens and our allotment after flash floods in Brum. Also reckoning with the realities of soil contamination after floods in #UrbanGardening. It is good for privileged folk like us nonetheless to experience #ClimateChange impacts.
My 6yo: ‘papa, when you get to the late Cretaceous, you have to run really fast because you don’t want to die’ #extinctionstories
Terrific piece in @aeonmag by @Swykstr providing an orientation to experimental philosophy: “Beyond the armchair: must philosophy become experimental?” https://aeon.co/essays/beyond-the-armchair-must-philosophy-become-experimental
The bar is just. So. Low. “Facebook, Microsoft and others sign anti-cyberattack pledge” https://techcrunch.com/2018/04/18/facebook-microsoft-and-others-sign-anti-cyberattack-pledge/?guccounter=1
Excited to be working with @ARochaUK tomorrow on some geospatial data and http://mapping.community/
Great piece by @garyyounge today on government persecution of Windrush generation. Question for twitter: have any Christian denominations come out on the record against this campaign inaugurated (intensified?) by May?
And a terrific piece by @anitasethi as well. An unbelievable example of casual racism and ignorance by Prince Charles, yet so believable. Marvellously written – thanks @anitasethi for sharing your story. https://www.theguardian.com/world/commentisfree/2018/apr/19/prince-charles-brown-skin-british-people-head-of-commonwealth
Had a terrific day working on co-research plans with @CAPuk staff. Thanks for the warm reception and hospitality!
Has the @CDRC_UK team considered putting up a merged English indices of deprivation Geodata Pack for the whole UK? Was about to do this myself, but thought I’d ask before going down that long-winded download+merge process
This one’s for you @afenoer: Announcing Open Registration for CC Certificates – Creative Commons https://creativecommons.org/2018/04/14/announcing-open-registration-for-cc-certificates/