So I think this might be a good summary of an ND preferences wrt/ digital systems. The author doesn’t claim to be autistic, but I certainly shout “amen” like every other line. Would love to know if others relate:

I also think that customisability is important because it’s often the only way that many of us can getting software accessibility. Eg by making it that way ourselves. So I’m a hacker because I like to play with digital tools, but am also starting to realize that I HAD to become a bit geeky or I would have been left behind in a zillion ways. Get to the front of the pack so you don’t get left behind…

The HackerNews comment thread for that article is also a hot and interesting mess – highlighting the ways that different ND flavours and generational cultures frame how we are allowed to speak. I found myself wondering if it was a suitable proxy for what we might find if at UOB we could pull back the curtain… c/w: discussions of depression, suicide, ablism, and generally insensitivity:

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